Board Game Information Page:

Alhambra: Queenie 1 – The Magical Buildings
boardgameexpansion (BGG ID:109139)
Year Published:2011
Minimum Number of Players:2
Maximum Number of Players6
Alhambra: The Magical Buildings, a promotional item from Queen Games for Spiel 2011, consists of six new tiles – one in each of the six colors of buildings – that are placed in the bag with the other tiles at the start of the game. When drawn, they are placed for sale as with any other building. What's different about these buildings is that no direction is up, so when added to a player's Alhambra, the tile can be turned and placed in any legal position based on all the building rules except orientation. During scoring, these magical buildings count as a building of the appropriate color when determining majorities.
futiles says:

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