Board Game Information Page:

Star Trek: Attack Wing – Soong Expansion Pack
boardgameexpansion (BGG ID:159488)
Year Published:2014
Minimum Number of Players:2
Maximum Number of Players2
Designated by Starfleet as the Borg Type 03, this class of Borg starship was used by a rogue faction of Borg led by Lore. This unusual design was asymmetrical and totally unlike the previously encountered Borg cube and Borg scout, causing Captain Jean-Luc Picard to speculate whether it was something they constructed or an alien vessel they captured and assimilated. Whatever its origins, the vessel was still heavily armed and massively armored, capable of great destructive power. This ship is part of the 6th wave of expansion packs for the Star Trek: Attack Wing game.
futiles says:

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