Board Game Information Page:

Orléans: Christmas Market
boardgameexpansion (BGG ID:189623)
Year Published:2015
Minimum Number of Players:2
Maximum Number of Players4
Contained in Brettspiel Adventskalender 2015 for Day 10. Included are a Christmas Market tile and two 20 coin tokens (remove 40 coins from the bank before playing if you want to use these coins and are playing with limited money). In addition, a single six-sided die is needed. When you activate the Christmas Market, roll the six-sided die. The result determines the bonus you will get: On a 1 to 5, take the indicated Goods Tile from the Goods Market, and on a 6, move your Merchant by road (and collect a Goods Tile from the path, if applicable).
futiles says:

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